According to MLS data for the Simon Fraser University area, specifically UniverCity of Burnaby North, there are presently 52 active listings for an average list price of $436,003 or $478.45 per sq ft. The number of active listing represents less than 3.5% of resale inventory.
Of the 52 listings there are 9 units for sale on MLS that are located in the Origin project by Port Development. Origin is now coming close to being fully sold out.
Year to date activity puts total sales at 42 since the beginning of January 1, 2011. The average sale price has been $394,410 or $429.13 per sqft. During the same period of time last year, Jan 1, 2010 to May 19, 2010, there were 67 sales for an average sale price of $365,319 or $421.17. The table below shows more detail:
Year to date Sales data for SFU, UniverCity – Jan 1 to May 19 – 2010 compared to 2011
2010 2011 % +/- # of sales 67 42 (24%) decrease Avg sale price $365,319 $394,410 7.9% increase

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