According to MLS data for the Simon Fraser University area, specifically UniverCity of Burnaby North, during the past week there were a total of 4 new listings that came to market. This brings the total active listings on MLS to 50. The average list price is $436,204 or $4468.74 per sq ft.
There were two sales recorded during the past week. The average sale price was $385,000or $46.61.
According to the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (“REBGV”) sales in the Vancouver market rose 31.7% month-over-month from February 2011 to March 2011. In Burnaby specifically sales rose approximately 19.3%.
As the weather continues to improve and as students start to prepare for the fall semester, resale activity on the mountain is gaining traction. I have had a total of 20 private and open house showings in the past 18 days on my 2 bed & 2 bath listing in the Novo II building – 306 9232 University Cr.
Contact us now if you have questions about the market in general or specifically if you would like to learn more about the Simon Fraser University area.
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