According to MLS data for the Simon Fraser University area, specifically UniverCity of Burnaby North, there are presently 53 active listings for an average list price of $471.35 per sq ft. Since the beginning of March 3 new listings have come to market and there has been one sale.
BCREA today announced that Vancouver leads the market in BC. Sales overall in the Province were up 5% in February 2011 compared to January 2011. The average MSL residential price has risen by 18% on a year over year bases. In Vancouver the average home price has climb more than 19% since February 2010 but the bench mark price has increased by only 4%.
Market activity continues to be relatively strong in the SFU market. Of the two new developments that were announced in the third and fourth quarters of last year, Nest by Mosaic has sold out and Origin by Port Development is approximately 70% sold out. This is great news for Liberty Homes as they are expected to announce a new project in the third or fourth quarter of this year.
Contact us now if you have questions about the market in general or specifically if you would like to learn more about the Simon Fraser University area.
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